How to Pack the Perfect Beach Bag with Foods that Won’t Go Bad

Are you headed out for a day at the beach and wondering what snacks to pack?
When you’re packing snacks for the beach, it’s important to focus on nutritious snacks that are high in protein and fiber. This will keep you feeling full and satisfy hunger all day while you enjoy relaxing at the beach. It’s also important to pick snacks that are easy to transport to the beach and will stay fresh while you enjoy yourself.
Pack some fruits
Peaches are a great beach snack. They’re full of juice that will hydrate you and keep easily even without being chilled. Frozen grapes are another good fruit option. They’re cold and refreshing and will even taste good after they have dethawed. Apples and oranges make great fruit snacks as well because they don’t get smashed easily and can be eaten without preparation or cooling. Cherries are high in both antioxidants and vitamin C and make a perfect snack for the beach. They are juicy and delicious and easy to eat without having to peel them.
Pack some greens
Celery sticks dipped in peanut butter or your favorite alternative nut butter are a simple and easy snack for on-the-go. You can use sunflower butter and chia seeds if you are trying to avoid peanuts. It can easily be packed in a plastic container.
Pack some proteins and good fats
Beef jerky is a healthy and high protein option that carries well. It fills you up due to its high protein content and be purchased in a variety of flavors. Nuts and seeds are another option which are high in both protein and fiber. They are also easy to carry and don’t need to be kept cool. Walnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds all make healthy and delicious beach snacks. Olives and cheese are another high protein snack that is perfect for the beach. You can make a homemade marinade that will keep them fresh throughout the day at the beach.
Cheese sticks make another easy and healthy snack that are very convenient as long as you have a cooler. Another option that is high in protein is tuna. Tuna is healthy and delicious and can be eaten on its own or with crackers. You can buy it in small single-serve packs and bring your own crackers to go with it. There are even vegan tuna options available now for those who are avoiding meat.
Don’t forget bars and the likes
You can also pack store-bought or homemade hummus and bring whole grain crackers for a very healthy and easy snack. You can spread the hummus on the crackers or use it as a dip. The combination of the hummus and crackers gives you a great balance of both proteins and carbohydrates. Granola is a great option for the beach due to its portability and health benefits. It is also extremely versatile and can be purchased or homemade in a number of varieties. You should avoid varieties with chocolate chips when you go to the beach because the added sugar is unhealthy and the chocolate might melt.
Packing snacks for the beach can be exciting and fun when you consider all the varieties of healthy and delicious foods that you can take with you. All you need now is a great cooler and you will be ready to go! Don’t forget to pack frozen water bottles in your cooler. They will keep your snacks cool and be ready for you to drink when they melt.
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