4 Fall Foods to Boost Your Health

Fall is finally here! The season of cozy nights and delicious warm food is upon us. After a hectic summer and all the excesses that might come with it, fall is a great time to rethink our diets, adjust, and prepare to approach the holidays in a healthier way.
Are you thinking about adding more vegetables and fruits to your weekly meal plan? We selected five fall foods you can’t miss for better health:
Apples for boosting brain health:
There is a reason a lot of people associate apples with fall. Besides being in season -which means the produce is fresher and more nutritious-, apples go perfectly with salty and sweet recipes, being a fan favorite for holiday desserts such as apple pie.
Apples contain a lot of fiber and vitamin C, but most importantly, this fruit is packed with flavonoids. These phytonutrients, found in plant-based foods, have beneficial anti-inflammatory effects and help protect the cells from oxidative damage.
That’s why experts recommend eating apples to prevent cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Winter squash for better eye health:
Winter squash -any variety of squash harvested during the fall is a great seasonal option to add to your diet. Squashes are generally sweet and soft, easy to cook, and mixed in salads, soups, cremes, and broths.
They are loaded with very important nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, and fiber. But what makes squashes so special are their beta-carotenes: a natural pigment converted by the body into vitamin A, which is key for healthy skin and mucous membranes. Eating winter squashes could actually help you to maintain immunity and eye health!
Brussels sprouts for cancer-preventive properties:
This cruciferous vegetable suffers from a bad reputation, but the truth is, Brussels sprouts are highly beneficial for our bodies! Especially because they contain metabolites called glucosinolates, which have been shown to have cancer-preventive properties.
Also, they are packed with fiber and vitamins like other family members like broccoli or cauliflower.
You don’t like the taste? This fall, pick up organic, fresh, Brussels sprouts condiments with herbal spices and try roasting them instead of boiling them. The flavor could change your opinion!
Parsnips for bone health:
Mix it up and change your traditional carrot for parsnips! This crunchy and sweet vegetable is not only easy to cook and blend with different dishes, but it also has a great amount of vitamin K, which helps your blood to clot and keeps your bones healthy.
Moreover, parsnips also contain folate, a key component needed for your cells to divide and for your body to make DNA. If you are looking to get pregnant or know someone who is, parsnips are a must in the diet to prevent neural tube defects in babies.
Get a full Thanksgiving meal at home without all the cooking! The holiday menu is now available to preorder.
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